About ArthritisPower

About ArthritisPower

Using a web-based and mobile application, and focusing on rheumatoid arthritis as well as other musculoskeletal conditions, the goal of Arthritis Power is to collect health data from tens of thousands of arthritis patients to support future research to compare treatments, identify new ones, and, perhaps, find elusive cures. Arthritis Power includes a committee of people living with forms of autoimmune arthritis called Patient Governors, who identify research needs for study development and prioritize research requests from the CreakyJoints patient community around the world.

Track your symptoms and treatments with these powerful features:

  • Arthritis Power puts your health information in your hands! Track your symptoms, treatments and other health data from your computer or smartphone.
  • Better understand changes in your condition – work with your doctor to make informed treatment decisions.
  • See how your symptoms are changing—or holding steady—over time. How are you responding to new medications or other changes in treatment?
  • View your reports in daily, weekly, or monthly snapshots depending on the frequency with which you track. Empower yourself with personal data to better understand your symptoms.