About CreakyJoints Australia

About CreakyJoints Australia

Founded in 2015, CreakyJoints Australia is an important source of information for Australian arthritis patients and their families. Our website helps people find reliable information, support, offers opportunities to become involved in advocacy and will also help link patients to patient-centred research opportunities as they become available.

Our mission is to empower Australians living with arthritis to put themselves at the centre of their own care by talking about their treatment preferences and working in partnership with their healthcare providers. CreakyJoints Australia connects arthritis patients with current and relevant disease-specific information and support across a spectrum of arthritis conditions (of which there are more than 100), using a diverse set of digital platforms. CreakyJoints Australia provides opportunities for members to proactively advocate for themselves and their families, and to participate in research that will broaden the global understanding of arthritis management.

CreakyJoints Australia is part of the US-based Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF), a nonprofit organisation whose mission is to improve the quality of life for people with chronic illness. Australia-wide programming and services, modelled after activities that have successfully helped hundreds of thousands of patients and families from all 50 US states (and Puerto Rico), are being adapted to address the unmet needs of the Australian community.

CreakyJoints Australia provides a positive community, totally free-of-charge to patients and their families, thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, corporate philanthropists, funding from the Patient-Centred Outcomes Research Institute and other private foundation support.

Further Reading