Employment With a Disability

Employment With a Disability

Evidence proves maintaining employment while living with a disability increases quality of life, living standards, personal health and, importantly, improves self-esteem.

Challenges may be faced in employment, however, there is never a better time to be working or looking for work whilst living with disability in Australia. Improvements to Australian disability support under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) are continuing to evolve, to ensure you are supported on every front to look for and maintain employment. The information below ensures you get the right support to meet your current employment needs.

Who Can Help Me Gain Employment?

Disability Employment Services (DES) is the Australian Government’s employment service that helps people with disability find work and keep a job. The service is delivered by a mix of large, medium and small, for-profit and not-for-profit organisations that support people with disability.

DES providers can help you prepare for, secure and maintain employment. Your DES provider will work with you every step of the way to:

  • Prepare for work, including access to job-specific training courses.
  • Write your resume and prepare for interviews.
  • Provide information on local employment opportunities.
  • Purchase work-related modifications, such as adjustments to your work environment or communication devices.
  • Provide ongoing on-the-job support when needed.

DES providers can also work with employers to help them develop practices that support the employee in the workplace.

You can access DES either through referral by Services Australia —generally for those receiving Centrelink payments who have Mutual Obligation or Compulsory Participation Requirements — or by directly registering with a DES provider of your choice.

These specialised employment services are free if you are deemed eligible. To find a DES provider in your area, visit the JobAccess – Find a Provider page.

What If I Can’t Do the Job I Was Employed to Do?

If you are unable to perform the role you were employed to do, it is important to discuss your concerns with the key people at your workplace. Together you can determine flexibility with the duties you perform, hours you work or whether modifications and/or technology can be implemented to support you. Generally, the key people within the workplace to best assist you are in the Human Resources or Health and Safety departments.

It is also important to speak with members of your healthcare team, including your GP, to get guidance and professional support to ensure your employer is equipped with information pertaining to your workplace needs. An occupational therapist is trained to be able to assess and develop strategies to support you maintain employment. Speak with your GP to get a referral to a local occupational therapist.

The Australian Government’s JobAccess and IncludeAbility websites are full of helpful employment information and resources for people with disability, employers and service providers.

I’m Scared I Might Lose My Job, What Now?

If you feel you are at risk of losing your job because of your illness, injury or disability you may qualify to access Work Assist, providing you:

  • Have worked an average of at least 8 hours a week over the last 13 weeks.
  • Aren’t already getting assistance from a DES provider.

Fortunately, you do not need to be receiving Centrelink benefits to access this program. Work Assist can be accessed through your local DES provider and can help you with:

Should I Disclose My Condition to My Employer/Potential Employer?

Disclosure is an individual choice that you can make based on your own personal circumstances. A question more specific to ask is: “Does my condition impact on my ability to undertake my job?” If the answer is “Yes”, there may be implications by you not disclosing. Work Assist provides a wealth of information on disclosure, including:

  • Deciding whether to disclose.
  • When and what to disclose.
  • Disclosure: pre-interview, at interview or job commencement.
  • How to talk with your employer about your condition.

You can access more information regarding disclosure at Talking to Others About Your Disability.

What Other Resources Are Available to Help Me?

There is tremendous support in Australia to help you find and maintain employment. Please explore the links included on this page, and best of all, consult with your healthcare team to determine your needs in finding and maintaining employment.

Our Government Support for People With Chronic Conditions and Health and Community Services Information For People With Chronic Conditions pages are also valuable sources of information.