Researchers at the University of New South Wales are conducting a project to further understand how people with “creaky” (or grinding, popping, noisy) knees feel about these noises in their knees and how this affects their behaviours.
If you are interested, the researchers are looking for volunteers with or without a diagnosis of osteoarthritis who want to take part in this research and who:
- Are over the age of 18.
- Live anywhere in Australia.
- Have experienced sounds in your knees that have caused you concern.
The researchers plan to organise focus groups within the next few months but can be flexible with times and dates to suit the availability of the participants. The focus groups can take place in person or online depending on where participants are located.
A full description of the research activities, including any risks associated with these activities and any discomforts that you may experience during research, can be obtained by emailing your interest to the student investigator listed below for the participant information statement.
What You Can Do to Help
If you would like more information or would like to take part in a focus group for this research project, please register your interest with MSc student investigator Alex Kovats on 02 9348 0617 or via email at a.kovats@student.unsw.edu.au.
If you have questions about the research and would like to contact the Chief Investigator, please contact Associate Professor Jeanette Thom on 02 9385 1090 or via email at j.thom@unsw.edu.au.
Global Healthy Living Foundation Australia and CreakyJoints Australia have not funded or been involved in this research project. However, we are happy to promote this project as it aligns with our core values.