Take This 10-Minute Survey to Advance COVID-19 Vaccine Research
The COVID-19 pandemic has genuinely changed the world during the past year. The COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance is interested in studying risk factors for developing COVID-19 among people with rheumatic disease. The COVID-19 vaccines can decrease this risk and bring the pandemic to an end.
However, it is unclear whether the community of people with rheumatic disease has access to and are receiving these vaccines and their perceptions of the vaccine and how they manage their medications during vaccination. The Alliance aims to collect this information to understand the barriers and facilitators that govern patient perceptions surrounding vaccines and find the best way to address them.
What You Can Do to Help
The Alliance is calling on adults ages 18 and over with a rheumatic disease to enrol. The survey is open to adults from any country in the world.
The study will involve a single survey that will ask about your medical history and medications that you take to treat your rheumatic disease. All information collected in the survey is completely anonymous and protected.
You will be asked whether you have been diagnosed with COVID-19. If so, the Alliance will ask you for more information about how you were treated and how you recovered from the disease. Finally, you will be asked about your perceptions, intentions, and overall opinions on receiving the COVID-19 vaccines.
The survey is a collaborative project between doctors and researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Stanford University, the National Institutes of Health, and McMaster University.
Please go to https://rheum-covid.org/vaccine-survey/ and complete the survey today!
Learn more about how rheumatologists in Australia and New Zealand helped to lead the formation of the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance in this Rheumatology Republic podcast from April 2020 Rheuma in the Time of Corona.
CreakyJoints US and the Global Healthy Living Foundation (our parent organisation) are amongst the many official sponsors of the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance. CreakyJoints Australia also supports this cause as we would like to see as much Australian data included as possible.
Keep Reading
- Rheumatologists Share COVID Vaccination Advice for Rheumatology Patients – Updated 2 April 2021
- Living With Arthritis During COVID-19: Education and Support Resources
- Arthritis Treatments
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