Global Healthy Living Foundation Australia (GHLF Australia), our parent organisation, and Amgen Australia invite you to join a focus group to help us learn from people living with psoriasis. We want to understand your experience of living with this condition, your treatment preferences, and what resources you’d like to have to help you manage your psoriasis better.
To be eligible to participate, you need to:
- Be an Australian resident
- Be 18 years or over
- Have a diagnosis of psoriasis
- Be currently taking a systemic medical treatment for psoriasis (such as methotrexate, apremilast or adalimumab)
- Not currently be working for an Australian government agency
- Not currently be on a clinical trial
The focus group will be held online and take approximately 90 mins on a date to be confirmed. You will receive an honorarium of $150 for your time.
To register your interest, please email info@ghlf.org.au